Monday, April 30, 2007

Spider man

When the boy was going to finish high school, he found that his body was changed. He felt he was very strong. He was able to do some things which looked like spider actions. He loved his classmate who was a beautiful girl and she was also his neighbour. But the girl loved another boy whose father wanted to be strong and powerful too. Later his father was changed by the science and technology and he did bad things .The movie has a lot of thrilling scenes . It is very fascinating, specially for children.

Monday, April 16, 2007


about the flower
First one is rose, third one is frangipani, last one is eriostemon. Eriostemon is an Australia native flower. But I don't know second one.

Monday, April 2, 2007

homework about old man in Kenyan
When the Kenyan goverment decided everyone should be able to attent primary school and that it would be free, Eighty four year-old Kimani Nganga with other childern sat in the classroom to lean what he wanted to know. Although he os older, he is enjoying his school life, It means everywhere in the world everyone'sthirsty for knowledge is possible. But it's a pity. there are a lot of people unable to go to school in the world. They haven't got enough money to live their life, and least of all. To go to school is only a dream for them.